
BRCGS Agents & Brokers certified!

BRCGS Agents & Brokers certified!

Also for 2024, Het H'eerlijcke Hollandsche HandelsHuys is again certified against the BRCGS scheme Agents & Brokers! We are proud of this certification and the level achieved: AA-grade! We achieved this level, according to the auditor, because of our professional approach and substantiation of our comprehensive food safety management system. For a long time HHHHH stands for quality, food safety and integrity which we also make visible in our BRCGS certification. You can download the certificate from our certification page. If you have any questions about our certification, the scope and our intere processes, please do not hesitate to contact our QA department!



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Head office:
Jacob Van Lennepkade 21 
1054 ZE Amsterdam-NL

Office Sales and Compliance:
Eggestraat 37-39
8308 AB Nagele-NL

Marsdiep 13
8321 MC Urk-NL

T: +31 (0)6 507 48 421